Sunday, February 1, 2015

Busy Busy!

Hey y'all!  Again, its been SOOOO long since I blogged.  No excuses, but really...a 6 month deployment, a family wedding...winter happened.  You know, same old same old!  I have also been really busy with my creative life, I'm happy to say.  My painting business has really blossomed and I am so thankful for that!  I have been feeling really inspired over the last few months.  It's been such a blessing.  I had commission after commission over the last few months, plus a couple of shows, so I've been able to get my name and my work out there.  I feel like my work and my style has begun to come into its own.  Color, whimsy, and empowerment.  Those are important to me and I try to incorporate each into every piece I design.  I "went to church" this morning with Joel Osteen (who I love love love!  His messages are so uplifting and empowering!)...his message was on time.  Not wasting it.  He said time is like are either investing it wisely or you are wasting it.  One of my goals for 2015 is to invest my time more wisely into my business and my creative life.  I want to grow my business.  I want to be a blessing to others.  Erma Bombeck said "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say 'I used everything you gave me.'"  Let's make 2015 count!  Invest your time in yourself!